A Healthy Approach to Homework Time

A few years ago, the National Center for Family Literacy and Google conducted online surveys of roughly 300 parents asking: are you ever unable to help your kids with their homework?  It may come as no surprise that at least half those polled said “yes.”  

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Your Financial Health: The Four Biggest Financial Mistakes New Parents Make

The moment that Jefferson, who is now five, entered the world my life changed forever.  In addition to all the pride and love that a new child brings it also made me feel profoundly responsible for his well-being.  With so many competing priorities and endless number of options it was challenging to decide what I needed to do to secure my family’s financial future – and I have an MBA in finance!  I’ve since learned that there are generally four common mistakes can cause the most trouble for new parents. 

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Get Your Family Hooked on Healthy Foods – A Food Makeover for Your Dinner Table!

One key to raising healthy children is simply moving your family to a predominantly whole foods diet and steering away from processed foods.  What's the difference and why should you care about making the switch?

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Insights into Healthy Family Living

Dr. Sarah Werbel and Dr. Kim Osias are two local moms who happen to be physicians.  As busy moms they know how difficult it can be to stay vigilant about healthy family living.  Here are their tips on simple ways to promote a healthy family lifestyle.

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Does Exercise Make Kids Smarter?

Over the past decade many studies have proven that exercise does indeed make us smarter. Dr. John Ratey, a top psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, says in his recent book, SPARK!, that exercise is also good for the brain, in that it makes us smarter, more alert and able to memorize things faster and for longer periods of time.

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It’s Called the Great Outdoors for a Reason

Our children belong outdoors. Richard Louv’s landmark book, Last Child in the Woods, illuminates a wealth of research that reveals what many parents already intuit. Children who spend ample periods of time outdoors in unscripted, improvised play are healthier and less stressed.

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