Joyful Noise, Joyful Children!


Did you know that listening to music can make children happier? The brain reacts emotionally to music. One of the first things that babies understand is emotion and by ten months old most babies can understand if a song or melody is sad or happy. These sounds change their mood.


What is a happy song? It’s typically in a major key and is made up of short melodies that are often repeated. They tend to have a bouncy cadence and the melodies climb the scale upward.

A review of 23 studies by Bradt & Dileo (in 2009) involving almost 1,500 people found music helped to reduce blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety in heart disease patients. Those are some pretty great benefits. So give it a try! Have music playing in the background when your children are playing or relaxing. Start off with 15 minute sessions and increase up to a half an hour for a few weeks. See if you notice a positive change in your child’s mood.

Encourage your child to sing in the choir or take music lessons at a young age. No one ever regrets learning how to play an instrument and making joyful noise.
