10 Toxic Household Items You Should Throw Away Now


Could your choice of shampoo or cookware be harming your health? As a rheumatologist, I am often asked why patients have developed a particular autoimmune disease. I take a holistic view of their illness, so I inquire about the patient’s stress levels, diet and exercise patterns – and any chemicals they may be exposed to. This helps me better understand the role their environment may play in their  health.

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5 Ways to Make Wellness a Family Lifestyle

What activities should we sign up for? Are my kids taking the right classes? Are they making new friends?

For parents, these questions are endless. But too often, in the rush to ensure a child’s school and social success, parents overlook an even more important topic – family fitness and wellness.

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Breastfeeding 101

The health benefits of breastfeeding (both to baby and mama) have been proven over and over again.  Breastfeeding can promote wellbeing in many ways - it provides the specific nutrients a baby needs, and reduces rates of breast and ovarian cancer in nursing mamas.  Once nursing is established, it’s also very convenient – no bottles to lug around or wash, no time spent making bottles, and it’s free!  Here are some simple tips to get you started on the path to breastfeeding with ease.

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Get Moving with Gymnastics

We love our kids and always want what’s best for them.  So it breaks our heart when we hear they are part of what’s considered the most inactive generation in history.  A major concern is that we are doing our young children a disservice and harming their physical growth by allowing them to consume too much of the technology they crave.  So what can we do as parents to put our children on a healthier path?

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