Contraception 101

Now with that baby in your arms or the toddler running around, you may be starting to consider how long you want to wait before having another child.  You may also be breastfeeding and want a more reliable method of birth control.  Well the good news is, there are plenty of options.

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Simply Playing

Remember when we used to simply play?  I mean when we were literally shooed out of the house, unencumbered by coaches and parents and schedules and given the freedom to make our own fun?  Ahhh, fresh air.  Can you feel the sun on your face or the rain or snow?

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On Guard: Protecting Children’s Mouths from Trauma

Our children are active all the time and we surely want them to be. Physical activity enhances harmonious development and as parents, we enroll our growing kids in various sports, starting at fairly early ages.

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Dental Milestones: From Baby Teeth to Molars

Teething!  Just one of the many reasons parents of new babies have been losing sleep.  (Lots and lots of sleep!)  Do you ever feel like your baby is perpetually teething?

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