Summer is a Child’s Opportunity to Learn

For most children, summer is a time to leave classes and homework behind.  However, when they return to school in the fall after the long summer break, students can find themselves struggling to catch up.

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It’s My Birthday and I’ll Cry if I Want to: What to Expect From the Terrible Twos.

Almost every parent is familiar with the phrase, “terrible twos.”  It is a term that is befitting of most two year olds, but really can apply to children from the ages of 1 through 4.  Why do toddlers get such a bad rap?  This age is a time of great change in physical, social, emotional, and language development, all of which result in children exploring their environment and testing their boundaries. 

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Advice to Sink Your Teeth Into!

So your kids are having a great time playing until someone falls and bumps their mouth. The tears start and you need to know what to do.  Mouth traumas, including injuries involving the front teeth, are very common. Fortunately, there are many different types of treatment available to preserve your child’s smile.

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Did You Play Today?

I recently attended an educational conference where the keynote speaker, a preschool director in New Jersey, mentioned that some parents of children in her preschool program asked her to remove the word “play” from the curriculum in order to focus on learning!

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