Getting In Gear: A Back to School Survival Guide for Parents


While the idea of waking up at the crack of dawn to prepare lunches, fighting over appropriate school attire and regulating the amount of television watched might have you frazzled, take solace in the fact that you can play a big part in getting your children motivated and excited to tackle a new school year.

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How to Encourage Language During Play

As the founder of Princeton Playspace and a speech pathologist, my motto is and always will be #playmatters. A child playing is a child working. They learn by doing, repetition, and problem solving. And while playing, there are infinite possibilities to learn language!

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Feeling Guilty About Screen Time? Make Learning Fun! Discover how to incorporate fun into learning


Kids today are digital natives who spend much of their time on devices. According to a study from Common Sense Media, the average amount of time children spend with “traditional” screen media such as television, video games and computers has tripled over the past two years. However, too much screen time can hinder the development of certain communication skills, isolate your child socially and contribute to attention issues. Therefore, it's also important to encourage brain stimulation using educational apps with old-fashioned, unplugged play!

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