An Art Teacher’s Friend: Viktor Lowenfeld


Let me introduce you to a friend to all professional art educators out there. His name is Viktor Lowenfeld, and though he may no longer be living, his impact is alive and well. I want every parent to meet him, because he offers something that not only will deepen your appreciation of art, but will also help you employ art to observe and promote your child’s cognitive development.


You Can Do It! Art at Home: 5 Tips


Do you wish you could do more art with your kids? Like many parents of young children, the thought of more art projects at home might spike your anxiety level a bit. There are lots of reasons that keep us from doing art with our kids.


Rebecca's Reviews: Ollies Wooden Blocks


Good Morning PunchBugKIDS Families! We are back with a follow up review of Ollies Wooden Blocks.

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