Azalea Festival

May 8, 2016

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Celebrate Mother's Day at the beautiful Sayen Botanical Gardens and enjoy the magnificent display of over 250,000 flowering bulbs, dogwoods, azaleas and rhododendron. Visitors can tour the landscaped walking paths, fountains, bridges, lakes, gazebos and take in breathtaking scenery. The event will also feature crafters, food, music and entertainment. 

While supplies last, mothers can have a family photograph taken free of charge, so be sure to stop inside and tour the historic Sayen House for a family portrait. 

Parking will be available adjacent to Sayen Gardens in the Nottingham Fire Company parking lot, located at 200 Mercer Street.


Location: Sayen Botanical Gardens, 155 Hughes Drive, Hamilton NJ 08690

Address: 155 Hughes Drive
Hamilton, New Jersey 08690

Prices: Free.

Age: All Ages - Family Event

Registration: Not Required. Call 609-890-3630 for more information.

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