Harry Potter Kano Coding Kit workshop

Harry Potter Kano Coding Kit workshop

November 10, 2018

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This free one-hour workshop introduces students eight and above to the foundational concepts of coding. Participants will follow simple steps with drag-and-drop code blocks and create Harry Potter spell motions, magical creatures, and artefacts, all with the coding wand and a Surface device. By the end of the workshop, students will be able to:

* Define basic coding concepts
* Use their imagination to customize their own coding projects
* Explain the relationship between hardware and software in coding

Website: www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/locations/nj/bridgewater/bridgewater-commons/store-22#eventid=1433128499

Location: Microsoft Store Bridgewater Commons

Address: Bridgewater Commons
400 Commons Way
Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807

Prices: Free

Age: Ages 8+

Registration: (908) 809-7320

View business listing for Microsoft Store Bridgewater Commons

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