The Sky Above - Sensory Friendly star show

The Sky Above - Sensory Friendly star show

August 5, 2017

5:00 PM

A planetarium show for families with children on the Autism Spectrum or with other developmental disabilities.

The sensory-friendly show, which is appropriate for audiences of all ages, will provide a comfortable and judgment-free space that is welcoming to everyone. During the show, the doors will remain open so children may freely leave and return if they choose. Lights will be left dim (instead of dark) and the audio will be lowered and kept at a consistent level. The show will include music, laser lights, stories and information about the planets, the Moon and constellations. All material will be presented on a very basic, kindergarten level.


Location: Raritan Valley Community College Planetarium

Address: 118 Lamington Road
North Branch, New Jersey 08876

Prices: $8 for one show - $14 for 2 shows on the same day

Age: All Ages

Registration: Reservations highly recommended for all shows. Please call 908-231-8805 to make a reservation as there is a limited number of visitors for each show.

View business listing for The Planetarium at Raritan Valley Community College

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